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SuperGame 52
We have now been to two Supergame's in Organ at the famous Sniperz Den paintball field. If you have never played at Supergame in Organ, you need to book your flight for the next one! The field is massive. To walk from one end to other, it would take about an hour. There are missions, fortresses and even tanks! The DMZ (main field) is large enough alone for the typical 2000 players. The entire setting is just amazing. Dan Bonebreak and all of his crew put on an amazing event! For more information about the next event just click the...
UWL booth in Corona California. PBDNA
Free shipping when we are setup at an event.
One of the benefits of buying products from events is not having to pay shipping. So we decided to have free shipping over the entire time we are setup at an event. Just use the code EVENT SPECIAL at checkout and get free shipping within the united states. If you are our Canadian or Mexican neighbors, please feel free to contact us and see what discounts in shipping we can do for you during these events.